Academic Integrity

Sonoma County Junior College District (SCJCD) holds that its primary function is the development of intellectual curiosity, integrity, and accomplishment in an atmosphere that upholds the principles of academic freedom. All members of the academic community - student, faculty, staff, and administrator - must assume responsibility for providing an environment of the highest standards, characterized by a spirit of academic honesty and mutual respect. Because personal accountability is inherent in an academic community of integrity, this institution will not tolerate or ignore any form of academic dishonesty. 

Academic dishonesty is regarded as any act of deception, benign or malicious in nature, in the completion of any academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and other academic misconduct.

Faculty, students and administrators are partners in maintaining the District’s academic integrity in accordance with the guidelines delineated below.

  1. Conduct each course in a manner that encourages mutual respect, honorable behavior, and learning, thereby promoting student success and discouraging academic dishonesty.
  2. Inform students of the course requirements, grading procedures, and rules and expectations for acceptable conduct and behavior in each course, including definitions of academic dishonesty and the ethical use of technology. A statement about academic integrity and consequences should appear in the course syllabus.
  3. Inform students of the SRJC policy on Academic Integrity and the Student Conduct Standards, which is in the SRJC College Catalog and part of the District Student Discipline policy. Explain how these policies will be applied in each course.
  4. Inform students of their rights to due process should they wish to contest an allegation or penalty.
  1. Conduct oneself in a respectful, honorable manner that focuses on learning, academic honesty, and success for both oneself and other students. 
  2. Learn and understand the course requirements, grading procedures, and rules and expectations for acceptable conduct and behavior in each course, including definitions of academic dishonesty and the ethical use of technology.
  3. Learn and understand the SRJC policy on Academic Integrity and the Student Conduct Standards, which is in the SRJC College Catalog and part of the District Student Discipline policy.
  4. Learn and understand students’ rights to due process in contesting an allegation or penalty made by an instructor or other representative of the district.
  1. Support department/program faculty in their efforts to maintain an environment that promotes academic honesty.
  2. Promote and maintain consistent department/program practices in dealing with incidents of academic dishonesty. This may include, but is not limited to, conducting discussions of best practices for both students and faculty.
  3. Consult with instructors and the Vice President of Student Services or designee in reviewing cases and determining appropriate sanctions.
  4. Act as liaison, when necessary, between student and instructor, or between instructor and Administration.
  1. Support faculty and students in their efforts to maintain academic honesty.
  2. Make readily available the Academic Integrity policy and procedure to faculty, students, and staff.
  3. Provide appropriate technology and other resources to assist faculty and staff in identifying acts of academic dishonesty.
  4. Enforce the due process procedures provided in the Student Conduct Standards to deal promptly, fairly, and justly with cases of alleged academic dishonesty so the procedures gain and hold the confidence of students and instructors. 
  5. Ensure that all policies and procedures be applied equally and uniformly throughout the District, and are consistent with the Education Code and District policy.
  6. In particular, the Vice President of Student Services or designee will keep and maintain documentation of violations.

Policy 3.11 and Procedure 3.11P, Revised July 2012