Hispanic Serving Institution, META 4

SRJC was formally designated an HSI by the United States Department of Education in April 2014. SRJC was awarded a grant in October 2014 with the purpose to expand educational opportunities and improve the academic attainment of Hispanic and low-income students, and to expand and enhance the academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability of colleges and universities that are educating the majority of Hispanic college students.
In an effort to increase academic opportunity and attainment for Hispanic and low-income students, Santa Rosa Junior College is introducing the Multicultural Education Transfer Acceleration or Meta4 goals;
  • Meta 1: Increase access, retention, and degree or certificate completion for Hispanic and low-income students;
  • Meta 2:  Increase the number of Hispanic English Learners students enrolling in, and successfully completing, transfer-level composition courses;
  • Meta 3:  Provide Hispanic and low-income students access to new technology advising and planning tools to increase their academic success, retention and graduation rates; and
  • Meta 4:  Improve the transition and continuing success of Hispanic and low-income students to the demands of college with an emphasis on improving student support and academic success.
META 4 is funded by a US Department of Education, Office of Post-Secondary Education, Title V grant.