High School Career Pathways to SRJC

In partnership with local high schools, SRJC helps connect high school Career Pathways to college Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to give students a head start on college and careers. Career Pathways are coherent sequences of high school Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses that prepare students for careers and continued education. Many feature articulation with like SRJC courses. Articulation is the alignment and comparability of coursework between two levels of education, such as high school and community college. It is established through discipline specific faculty-to-faculty collaboration. For example, SRJC Automotive Technology instructors meet with their high school counterparts to confirm that concepts and skills being taught in the high school Automotive Technology courses are comparable to those of the College. Once the determination is made that coursework is sufficiently similar, formal articulation agreements are established. Students successfully completing the articulated high school courses have opportunities to earn college credit.

Benefits of Articulation: Students earn a head start on college and their careers, saving time and money by skipping redundant coursework in which they’ve already demonstrated mastery. CTE faculty collaborate, share resources, conduct joint industry advisories, and update and align curriculum, which provide students with relevant career skills and a smooth transition to postsecondary and career success.

High School Career Pathway and articulation activities are funded by the CTE Transitions grant under the federal Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act administered through SRJC and other initiatives.

For more information about High School Career Pathways to SRJC, contact Jerry Miller. Senior Dean, Career & Technical Education & Economic Dev. 

(707) 524-1506 or e-mail jmiller@santarosa.edu
